Read these stories from CCS Adopters about how and why they adopted their children, the adoption process and how it has been for all of them. All names were changed for safeguarding purposes.

Siblings - Three Sisters
Susan and I sat in our car just outside a hospital and cried. We had just met with our consultant who had confirmed the news that our chances of conceiving were slim at the very best. The reality of this for Susan was immediate, the pain very obvious.
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An LGBTQ+ Couple
As a gay male couple, our starting point was either surrogacy or adoption. We went to an event on surrogacy and left feeling like it wasn’t right for us – it felt too complicated and expensive, particularly when there are many children out there in need of a good home.
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Additional Needs
Because CCS is an independent agency and they have no children of their own to place, its focus is very much on finding the right children for those who apply through them.
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After IVF
We looked into adopting after a failed attempt at IVF and a burning primitive need to have children that came from nowhere when I met the love of my life in my late 30s. Like many people, having children was not a reality until it became too late.
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Four Children
We were always open to adopting children with additional needs because to us, no matter what needs a child has, they ultimately want and need a loving, supportive family, which we felt we could give in abundance.
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Instant Family
One evening when our eldest daughter (now 10) was having a bath, she asked ‘Do they ever have children talking about adoption on the radio?’ ‘why darling?’ I responded. ‘Well, I would like to talk about it. About it being a good thing. I like being adopted and think it is a good thing for other children.’
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Older Brother and Sister
Jane and Peter talk about adopting an older brother and sister, how they found the adoption process, their family and the advice they would give.
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A Baby
The reasons for considering and ultimately choosing Early Permanence are rooted in the adoption of our first child. At two and a half she had experienced neglect, and physical and emotional abuse and suffered trauma from constant moves. We wanted to minimise this for another child, even if they didn’t end up staying with us.
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