8th April 2024
Donate while you Shop & Sell

Donate while you Shop & Sell

It’s so easy to raise money for our Bristol-based adoption agency while you shop and sell online, here’s how:


Give as You Live is an online fundraising platform allowing users to shop at over 4,500 stores and raise free funds for charity. The store pays to Give as you Live a percentage of your total purchase price in commission and 50% of this is passed on to charity.

Sign up and select CCS Adoption as your chosen charity to start raising funds for free!

Sign Up


eBay for Charity enables you to raise money for charity every time you buy or sell on eBay, just visit the link below and add “Clifton Children’s Society” as your favourite charity.

When you next shop on eBay simply look for the drop-down at the bottom of the checkout page and add a donation to us. As an eBay seller, you can choose to donate any percentage of the sale price, and eBay takes care of the rest.

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For more information on how to shop, sell and support please get in touch with our fundraising team at 0117 935 0005 or fundraising@ccsadoption.org.

Explore Adoption

Want to find out more about adoption, the children and us? Then book yourself a place at one of our information events, hear from adopters and talk with our team.

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© 2010-2024 CCS Adoption. All rights reserved. Registered as CCS Adoption, Charity Number 286814, A Company Limited by Guarantee Number 1655971