11th January 2024
New Year’s Update from CCS

New Year’s Update from CCS

Happy New Year

to all our adoptive families! Everyone at CCS hopes you have had a good Christmas break. We know Christmas time and changes of routines can be so challenging for many and the ridiculous amount of rain has probably not helped our ability to get the kids out of the house over the holiday season. This time of year encourages us to think about our hopes and aspirations for the year ahead. At CCS we are certainly feeling positive about the charity’s stability and future, and we are looking forward to making plans about how to celebrate its 120th anniversary. This month we welcome Sarah our new Fundraising Manager, who has the not-so-small task of helping us to raise the £120k needed to fund the Adoption Support Services. The National picture of adoption

is always changing and currently our social work team are spending a lot of time talking to new enquiries who are exploring the idea of adoption or starting assessments with us. Thank you to so many of you who help us by volunteering at our information evenings and training events, your input is so valuable. Over the past year, there has been an increase in the number of children in England with plans for adoption, which has meant that adopters approved more recently are waiting a shorter amount of time between approval and being linked with their children. It has taken a long time, but eventually, the delays in the court’s system created by COVID-19 do seem to have passed, and on average the time between children being placed with adopters and Adoption Orders being granted has also reduced. We are so pleased to see that overall children and adopters are having fewer delays. Here at CCS

Huge thank you to everyone who came to our first Christmas Fayre at The Park, it was such a wonderful atmosphere, and just lovely to see adoptive families that we’ve known for over a decade and families that have only been parenting for a few months or even weeks! We were so pleased to show you The Park, where we already feel settled and staff and families are benefiting from the wide range of facilities and spaces here. I was delighted to hear from some of the young people who wanted to know if we would do our summer Holiday Hub activities again – subject to the funding coming through, we certainly will be. Some families also asked about more whole-family social events, so please do sign up for our January Family Funday on the 29th of January. Lots more info about our Adoption Support activities in our Events Calendar. Wishing you well this January,

Emma Simpson


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Want to find out more about adoption, the children and us? Then book yourself a place at one of our information events, hear from adopters and talk with our team.

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