18th February 2020
Writing Competition Winners – Sky Woodruff

Writing Competition Winners – Sky Woodruff

In Autumn 2019 we held a writing competition for adopted young people on the theme This Is Me. We had some wonderful entries that were judged by our team and Miles Chambers, Bristol’s first poet laureate. Over the coming few weeks, we will be publishing the winners so do watch this space and read them all.


This is me

“This is me. I am twelve years old. I find it very hard to explain my feelings. I love music, dancing, singing, acting and messy play.

In 2019 I went to Scripture Union camp. There were lots of kids. I was scared and brave. It was fun. I got the Best Dancing Award from the shows.

I have the funniest ever sisters.

I am glad I have a family who I can trust and a family who cares for me. I am safe even if I don’t feel safe. When I am scared or worried I don’t feel safe. I hope I will learn as I get older I am safe wherever I go with or without mum or dad. I am glad they pay for school and bus.

I get scared when there are dogs around.

This is me, a fly who gets scared when people try to hurt me but I am safe and will not get hurt.”


By Sky Woodruff, age 12.

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