Writing Competition Winners – Unicorn123
In Autumn 2019 we held a writing competition for adopted young people on the theme This Is Me. We had some wonderful entries that were judged by our team and Miles Chambers, Bristol’s first poet laureate. Over the coming few weeks, we will be publishing the winners so do watch this space and read them all.
This is me
“I am always changing
Into someone
Sometimes I am angry
And I want to control
Like an erupting volcano. I am raging.
Sometimes I am helpful.
And I want to be nice
Like happy colourful rainbow. I am smiling.
Sometimes I am in my own world
I was born with my mum and dad.
I wish it was that world.
I am adopted.
And that doesn’t change.
That feels good today
But sometimes it doesn’t.
Sometimes I am safe
I want to cuddle my family
Like a big warm love heart
Or a fluffy pink cloud
Sometimes I am hateful
And I want to stamp
Like a charging rhinoceros
I am loved
I am loving
I am me.”
By Unicorn123, aged 11.

Explore Adoption
Want to find out more about adoption, the children and us? Then book yourself a place at one of our information events, hear from adopters and talk with our team.
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