Lockdown Challenge
Like many charities, CCS is facing tough times amid the Coronavirus outbreak. Please help us to support our adoptive families by taking on your own Lockdown Challenge for CCS.
What can you do?
The short answer is anything safe, achievable and fun, and that people can sponsor you to do. Here are just a few ideas:
— Take on a 2.6 Challenge: a new initiative from the organisers of the London Marathon, the 2.6 Challenge encourages people to support their favourite charity by coming up with their own fundraising activity based around the numbers ‘2’ and ‘6’.
— Donate: if you are currently working from home why not donate the money you would have spent on travel (fuel, parking, or even your morning coffee) to CCS?
— Use your daily exercise slot to walk, run, cycle, dance, or toddle! This could be a one-off activity (with or without your children) or a more ambitious challenge – one family is walking 1,000 miles in 2020 to raise money for CCS!
— Join Jason, George and the team at Moore IT and take on the “Isolation Beard Challenge” – simply let your beard grow for as many days as we are in lockdown and ask people to donate.
— Organise a virtual quiz night for family and friends or colleagues and ask them to donate to take part.
— Get creative and design your own challenge around your family’s musical, artistic or leisure interests (24-hour Monopoly anyone?).
Stay safe
Please keep yourself and others safe and protect our NHS by following government advice on social distancing and daily exercise.
How to join #TeamCCS
Come up with an idea then email our fundraising team to let them know you are doing a Lockdown Challenge for CCS.
Collect sponsorship online by setting up a fundraising. Please encourage all who can to add Gift Aid to their donations as this allows us to claim an extra 25p for every £1 they donate.
Contact us
To support us in any other way or to request a call back from our fundraising team please email fundraising@ccsadoption.org or call 0117 935 0005.
We will be able to provide you with any information, support or resources you need!

Explore Adoption
Want to find out more about adoption, the children and us? Then book yourself a place at one of our information events, hear from adopters and talk with our team.
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